
Woodchips are made of fast growing trees and plantation trees per customer’s need. Woodchips can generate high heat content and have low moisture level. Our company has building and dry-up area to stock Woodchips in order to lower and control moisture level of woodchips.  This is to minimize moisture level during raining season and also increase burning efficiency for woodchips which is going to be suitable to use as energy for plants’ boiler in general industries. Woodchips can be a good substitute for coal, palm shell or use as combined alternatives of energy with coal and palm shell.

Specification of Woodchips

Gross Calorific Value (As Received) Higher than 2,700 Kcal/Kg.
Total Moisture (As Received) Less than 35%
Ash 6-10%
Size (mm.) Approximately 50 mm.

Highlights of ESP’s Woodchips Product.

1. ESP’s Woodchips have low moisture content compared to woodchips from general woodchip plants. This is due to no water-filled in during production process. We have cement-paved drying area to minimize moisture content of woodchips. We also have building to stock woodchips which will protect woodchips from rain and control moisture content of woodchips. This results in higher efficiency of woodchips

2. Replace fossil fuel (Coal, Fuel Oil, Natural Gas) with woodchips help reduce CO2, one of Green House Gas, which is the cause of Global Warming. CO2 emitted from woodchips burnt will be returned as an input in photo synthesis process of growing trees in Woodchips production cycles. (Carbon Offset)

3. Lower price than fossil fuel Ex. Fuel Oil, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Moreover, company has 24 hours transportation of Woodchips within Thailand territory. Our transportation is managed by GPS system which makes our transportation being fast, accurate and timely according to customer’s needs.